Letterpress book 12 x 15 inches, Handmade woodtype featuring a quotation from Hayao Miyazaski -
What Takei Sanseido Means To Me

Proof quoting Ben Shahn Sacco and Vanzetti poster Hand cut 10 line woodype of my MC Shahn typeface and a typetray I made

Hand cut 10 line woodype of my MC Shahn typeface

Twelve 15 x 24 inch letterpress posters map folded and bound into a twelve by five inch book

Letterpress nine by twelve inches book excerpt from
Virtual Light, by William Gibson

Tile line of my backyard bowl

Enamel on scrap wood, inspired by the work of Margaret Kilgallen

25 sheets plus cover letterpress posters stab binding twelve and a half by nineteen inches

Colors of the hat inspired the graphic

13 year-old coping